and the winner is ... stollen!The results from my December Poll are in, twenty five votes were counted, and ten of you like Stollen the best, well I can add another vote, 'cos I do too! Does anyone know when Stollen became available in this country, I certainly don't remember seeing this on the Christmas tea table when I was young?

Seven of you like Yule Log the best, not that keen myself, I do find the chocolate buttercream a bit sickly, although I do always like the little plastic decorations spiked in the top, I have lots from year's back, saved in a little tin. Will I ever re-use them?

Four of you like Mince Pies the best, I like them too, and recently I have been eating rather too many, since discovering some great Sainsburys instore bakery shortcrust ones, which could easily pass as homemade if sprinkled with a little extra icing sugar! I shant tell if you don't?

Only two of you like Christmas Cake the best, not surprising this gets low votes. I never buy or bake a Christmas Cake, it just never gets eaten. I don't think it is because it isn't liked, but because of the fact that everyone always feels stuffed after that mound of turkey sandwiches, that there just isn't the room for it?
I am so pleased two of you 'hate all of them', one cake I forgot to suggest was Tunis Cake, would you eat this, or is this just something else left to go stale in the cake tin?