Just being ME

Please say hello ... I love comments!


christmas cat ...

A lot of you have a cat around the place, this one's for you!

Here’s my advice be
as merry as mice
And take a part in
their glee – O
And when that’s done
there’s capital fun
In the pussie’s Christmas – tri – O!

Christmas Cats - Printed by Raphael Tuck & Sons Ltd


Cowboys and Custard Mercantile said...

When Pickles decides to wake up today.. I will show him this one! It is charming!

Bev and Ollie "O" said...

I have not heard of piegata before, sounds good!
Ollie will for sure be nibbling on these, I have only given him homemade purees, I don't trust that jar stuff.
My freind is from Worthing, I thought it seemed like a lovely place to live.