my photos
Clapham Woods ...
Clapham is a small village which sits on the South Downs in West Sussex.
It's where my Dad and step-Mum live.
We moved here when I was in my late teens, when my parents' marriage broke up, and my Dad left his life in farming.
I made sure to set aside a few hours on Sunday to go visit them.
I had the idea of also taking a short walk, with photos for the Scavenger Hunt on my mind.
Dad came along too.
First stop was the local Church of St Mary the Virgin, which sits at the entrance to Clapham Woods.
Clapham Woods is locally known as a place of unexplained mystery and unusual phenomena.
Can you believe these woods are listed amongst the Amityville Horror, and suchlike!
Are you someone who believes in fairies, or maybe sees ghostly apparitions?
Be prepared to be scared!
To be honest all I can see whilst walking through these woods, are how many beanpoles and peasticks I could make use of in my garden at home!
Oh yes, and dog poo some of which I was unfortunate enough to tread in, of which somewhat marred what had been a lovely walk.
If you're prepared to hang around long enough in the woods, there's a lovely bench made out of driftwood you can sit on.
In the tree above there was a large number of agitated birds.
Maybe time to get back for that second cup of tea!
This poster was pinned to the fence next to the village stores and tearooms.
It's for a talk to be held in the local village hall - Gardens of a Golden Afternoon, Gertrude Jekyll and her gardens.
Now that sounds more up my street!
What a gorgeous walk you had in the woods. I would have to go on the brightest sunny day. I am a chicken when it comes to scary things. I don't know if I actually believe in ghosts or not, just too many scary movies. Great photos!
I must say Louise that I think I'd rather go to the talk in the village hall! I think the woods do look a bit spooky but maybe that is because they're not in leaf at the moment. Your photos have captured something eerie!!! x
Wow spooky but in a good way, although I wouldn't walk there alone :) Your photos are great.
twiggy x
I googled Chapham Woods to see where it was in relation to Amberley, where I spent part of my last holiday in England. It's not that far off, about 11 miles or so. I went to Amberley with an older lady who remembered seeing fairies as a wee child on Amberley Mount. In retrospect they could have been Mayflies, but in the eyes of a child, they were fairies and she continues to make them with pressed flowers...she's now 90! Great photos of the woods and church and it sounds like a lovely walk, except for the organic matter on your shoes ;)
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