more enid blyton ...
Carol from Katherine's Dream reminded me of Mr Twiddle! I do remember reading of his adventures?

Carol needs reminding of Mr Pinkwhistle. Here he is above in all his finery!

And remember Mr Meddle! He looks a bit scary to me?
Many of you have happy memories of reading Enid Blyton. I have discovered The Enid Blyton Society website, so click on the link for a trip back in time to your childhood.
I read and loved Mr Twiddle as a child! I still have my copy of Don't be Silly Mr Twiddle. Rhiannon read it when she was 9 and dressed up as him for Bookweek parade!
Magic Faraway Tree series were favourites in our house! What an incredible writer..I hadn't heard of Mr Meddle though! Gx
Oh wow, it seems like we all loved Enid Blyton books, I love Mr Pinkwhistle. I'm going to defo have a look at the link, brilliant. Thanks for your comment on my blog, I've added you to my blog list
Twiggy x
ok, well you seem to be the authority on finding my favourite childhood books...
I think they were Enid Blyton and I think they were something to do an Enchanted Tree at the bottom of a garden and there was an entire series. I would love to re-read them if I could get hold of them. Any ideas?
I've been googling and i think I am ok now...
thanks to your first comment which I didn't read before I commented! (thank you Gina!)
So The Far Away Tree Series has 4 books in the collection.
The Enchanted Wood, The Magic Faraway Tree, The Folk of the Faraway Tree and a later publication was, Up the Faraway Tree.
I think I'll treat myself at the weekend!
I loved enid blyton books, most the far away tree ones and ameli.
Enid Blyton really seems to be a part of everyone's childhood. Thanks for the link - will pop over for a bit of nostalgia.
Oh Louise... I was on EBay last night looking for Enid Blyton Books and found Mr Pink Wistle - I got all sentimental when I saw all the lovely books again.
I went and got my little pile out and took them to bed.I was told quite firmly - you are not going to read them now are you?
Carol x
Me again Louise,
I am looking forward to reading a few of these stories again but do you think that I need a little child to be with me or can I get away reading alone! ? !
Oh,I'd forgotton Mr Twiddle,I've come over all nostalgic now.Thanks for jogging my memory!
I was raised on Enid Blyton and have fond memories of squandering all my pocket money on the Famous Five books and I remember reading The Very Big Secret on a very wet holiday in Wales.. oh sweet memories..
P.s Is that you lurking behind the camera Louise?
Don't be shy now!
I love Enid Blyton books-- Can remember going to town on a Saturday with my parents and buying them for 9p each...yep 9p. I didn't know there was a society...
Lisa x
Oh my goodness I LOVED Enid Blyton books, I remember the Twiddle and Mr Meddle books!
My faves were all the Faraway Tree Books (hence the URL for my blog) and the Wishing Chair books, I am going to try and hunt them all down to read to my son as I only have one Faraway Tree book now!
Thanks for sharing!
(I think my Mr Meddle Book is "Mr Meddle's Mischief)!
Hi..have only just read your blog about Enid Blyton..I also did a bit on my blog..amazing eh?!! How I loved the books.
Thanks for a great read.Sal;-)
Hi Lousie, I have my Enid Blyton Books packed and I will be reading them again - I am quite looking forward to it - we are both going to 'cottage' for a couple of days.
I really loved Mr Twiddle so it will be interesting reading him again to see if I feel the same!
Carol xx
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