Just being ME

Please say hello ... I love comments!


on the move ...

Today marks the occasion of us having been in our second home together for ten years. Just one of two milestones we will reach in the year 2008.


walter and me said...

Congratulations! Love the drawing, too. Anniversarys and milestones should be celebrated...especially when they have a '0' at the end!!

Anonymous said...

Love the drawing! You should have it as your logo, would look so fab!

Happy Anniversary! x x x x

Indigo Blue said...

Congrats to you all. I have posted about the award, sorry it has taken a while. I started to then had to leave the post in draft so I have re-done.#Many thanks again it is always lovely to get these.

Anonymous said...

Happy Home Anniversary!!!

Love the picture too - especially the heart on the front door.

Anonymous said...

Are those windows double glazed? Just in case we have a hard winter..
Yay! Ten years well done!
(I'm on year six...)

Glo said...

Congratulations! It's on occasions such as this that we realize how quickly time passes, yet when looking back, realize how much has happened! Love your heart theme, close to my own heart :)

Christy said...

Congratulations on that wonderful milestone, Louise! All the best always. :)

LizzieJane said...

Congratulations, and what a lovely drawing too.

Lucy Bloom said...

Wow, Happy Home Anniversary Louise, that seems like an awful long time, I haven't lived in one place that long since I left home. Maybe this one...
Lucy x

BumbleVee said...

congrats on the anniversary...

we've been in ours almost 22 years...and renovating and re-doing most of that..... maybe it is part of the "family that plays together stays together" thing.... .... hahhahha....
my sister and her husband can't even hang a light fixture without contemplating divorce....

Rosezilla (Tracie Walker) said...

That drawing is perfect, I agree that it could be your logo. Congrats on making your house a home.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the 10 year anniversary of living in your house. I love the drawing to... and of course the words..."Home is where the heart is." I totally agree. I hope you have a lovely evening.

Jennie said...

ooh Happy Home anniversary!!!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Congratulations Louise!

X0< Pat