an aaah moment and another award, twice over ...
This isn't my photo, but it's a cute one!

This is mine! An award from Michele at Cowboys & Custard, and Funkymonkey. I really appreciate you choosing to award it to me, and thanks to everyone else for tuning in to my pic 'n mix of lifes adventures, or lack of them as the case may be at the mo.
Winning this award again twice, gives me the opportunity to pass on to another fourteen worthy recipients on my blogroll! This makes me feel a lot better, as I really do love all the blogs I visit, and the good thing is, no two are the same! I honestly dislike having to choose names, but rules is rules.
Right quick smart, cut the drivel, and get to those all important Oscar nominations:
Tracie at All About Whatever
Ally at Born to Read and Knit
Jayne at Country Cottage Chic
Marie at Dreaming of Wild Roses
Jennie at Falling Down the Rabbit Hole
Heather, Katherine and Samantha at Four Friends and a Blog
Indigo Blue
Niesz Vintage Home ... and Fabric
Lisa at Periwinkle
Rhondi at Rose Colored Glasses
Kristina at Shabbily Ever After
Suzie at Suzie Sews
Becky at Sweet Cottage Dreams
Margaret and Noreen at The Homely Year
and one for good luck Funkymonkey!
I know some of you have already won this award, but if you feel you could pass it on again, here are the rules, again!
1. Please put the logo on your blog.
2. Link the person from whom you received your award.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put the links of those blogs on to your blog.
5. Leave a message on their blogs to tell them!
Well how popular are you!
Love the pic too! it's soooo cute.
Congrats again! (I have a feeling of dejavu!)x
Why, thank you very much, I am honored! It's a darling award - I love awards! - thank you for thinking of me. Can't wait to get it up at my place!
Thank you so much for my award. consider me feeling much much better!!
That pic is so cute!
Thank you, thank you!c I am doubly honoured!!
OOOOOOh. Many thanks for this. I love getting thee because it means that I have been thought of which is lovely, and yes, yes I think my headache is now starting to go. Will post this asap.
Besy wishes
Hi Louise! See how far behind I am in reaching out to visit my blog roll friends? Have been one busy gal here in California! Congrats on all of your awards! You so richly deserve them as you have a wonderful blog. Thank you ever so kindly for including me in your list of recipients. You really put a huge smile on my face and I am just so tickled and honored all at once!
Hi Louise,
Thank you for my award!
You're so sweet!
Thanks for making my day. :)
Congrats on your award Louise!..more blogs to check out! ;D Gxx
Thank you for the compliment to our blog, Louise. We have a lot of fun with it.
Thank you so much for my award. You'll see why I've not made it to your blog for a few days when you visit my blog. Love the awards you've received. Very much deserved.
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