photos from The Woolworths Virtual Museum
that's the wonder of good old woollies ...
I don't know about you, but I want Woolworths to stay as it is, a shop which sells good quality products at reasonable prices, and offers great value for money. Don't get me wrong I love to mooch around the top end shops, but I rarely buy anything, my pleasure when it comes to spending is to grab a bargain or two?

Who else remembers the sweet counters in Woolworths? One memory of mine as a kid back in the late sixties, early seventies, was standing marvelling at the vast expanse of sweets (pic 'n mix) in the Worthing branch. On occasion, my grandparents would take me and my brother into town, and if my memory serves me right, after deliberating for ages we were allowed a bag each!
Steve, this is for you -
The immaculately polished white Hillman Hunter!
Parking outside the Berkeley (such a long trek into town) - revs of the engine and several maneouvres!
The flask of milky coffee in the glovebox, to drink before coming home!

Who else remembers the display of vinyl 45s and 12 inch singles on the shelves of Woolworths? Back in 1981 when I was studying a secretarial course at college, my friends and I would pop into the Broadwater branch most lunchtimes, and on most days I would come out with a single or two, many of which now have a home in the loft!
Click on The Woolworths Virtual Museum for lots more memories, remember Winfield their own brand?
Let's hear of any memories you may have of good old Woolies!