my photos
flying high on the Dyke ...
Well the gorgeous weather continues, the past weekend being no exception.
On Sunday afternoon we spent an hour or so up on Devil's Dyke, just north of Brighton.
Parascenders and hang gliders regularly descend upon this popular beauty spot in West Sussex.

The weather was pretty breezy up the top, so imagine good for this sport.
The sun was shining, although misty down in the valley.

It was cold, and I should have taken gloves, of the fingerless variety, for taking pics.
Had a good roast in the van coming home.

I must say the thought of throwing myself off the side of a hill doesn't do it for me!
Has got me thinking of base jumping. Yikes!

Many wires appear to be getting crossed!

East/West Sussex boasts stunning scenery!
Green fields, pretty villages and hedgerow boundaries.

Anyone out there know what it feels like to be exposed to the elements like this?

Whatever the buzz, they seem to be having fun just sitting up there!
Great photos Louise but I wouldn'r fancy floating about in the sky!!! x
Lovely set of looks so exhilerating, doesn't it!
Saw lots of this stuff going on in Turkey last week ... with opportunities for tandem flights. I know people who've done it. They say it's fantastic ... but I couldn't take that step off the top of the mountain!
Love Kathy xxx
It's enough exposure to the elements of some days just riding the bike....hahah....
I guess once you get the confounded parachute could be kinda fun's just getting organized and the actual jumping off the cliff that gives me the willies..... oh, and...maybe when you hit the ground too.....
forgot to say.... snowflakes gently falling here today, although it is not cold enough to stay...thank goodness......
Terrific photos! What a great location for this activity. The scenery is beautiful. For some reason many do paragliding over the ocean here ~ perhaps because it's an open area because there are too many trees elsewhere. It must be an amazing experience for those brave enough to do it! Not me, though ;)
I'm definitely a stay on the ground person. It just seems sensible and in terms of Darwinism a very good way to survive!
I prefer solid ground. I don't even llike being on the water that much. But it looks like they're having lots of fun.
I'm with you Louise, as I prefer to keep my feet firmly on the ground. I remember a place in Yorkshire where there were lots of paragliders and hang-gliders too. They soar through the sky like birds and it must be quite a thrill.
You can't beat a day of fresh air followed by a roast though...
Marie x
Great photos and I could not agree more about the stunning scenery. I could not ever even begin to think about this sport, remember what hapopend when I went out on a bike!
would love to para glide (done the parachute jump).. and want to wing walk too. Beautiful evocative photos. Love Helen
Wow, I'd quite like a go in a glider, but that looks a bit too scarey for me!
twiggy x
Oh, Louise, I have missed so man wonderful posts whilst being in wedding-land, and now I am back I cannot catch up!! These photos are glorious, what a wonderful place. Did you know there was a Devil's Dyke in the Fens near where we used to live too? I used to see the leaflet for it every day at work but never actually went.
I wish I was brave enough to do this, in the meantime I will enjoy sitting here just looking.
What brilliant photos you've taken, they are gorgeous and what fantastic scenery too. Wow.
Terrific photos but certainly not my idea of having fun! Flighty xx
Lovely lovely photos! I have to say base jumping is 1000x worse than hang gliding/paragliding I can get away with saying that as I have my skydiving license)! I have a friend who has jumped off the highest building in the world (name escapes me) - you've got to barking mad to do that. :-) I always think paragliding looks quite serene in comparison.
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