oh I do like to be beside the seaside ...
Remember this?
How I used to love these public information films back in the 1960s/1970s, and this couple Joe and Petunia proved extremely effective in raising awareness that HM Coastguard is a 999 emergency service.
Petunia is enjoying her Mr Whippy, I love them too. Did you know that Margaret Thatcher worked in the laboratory of the factory perfecting Mr Whippy icecream technology. Her job was to establish how much air you could pump into the mixture before it collapsed!
I know someone who looks just like Petunia! I wasn't aware that the coastguard was a 999 emergency service! Now I do!!! Interesting facts about Mrs Thatcher and Mr Whippy!
What fascinating info on Mrs Thatcher, I did not know this.
I used to love Mr Whippy too!
Hahahhaha good one!
I wonder if this is the reason why I read in the paper last week of the plans for a State Funeral for Margaret Thatcher...?
Marie x
I remember that and the best line ever, ehhh look Petunia he's waving :) public information films were fab! apart from the scarey one about playing near water - urgh!!!!
Twiggy x
Hi Louise!
Being an American I don't remmember this but I have to admit they are both funny!
Never knew that about Mrs. Tatcher! How did her path change to becoming PM?
Louise, this pic is hilarious! In fact, your whole blog is always so enjoyable that I just had to give you another well deserved award! Come on over to my blog and pick it up!
Hi louise. That was interesting.I never knew that about Margaret Thatcher.
p.s. I always read the last lines of books first. LOL It drives my friends and family nuts :>)
This is a cute post, such cool characters.
Oooh that reminds me,Louise...I have a couple of very old saucy seaside postcards, somewhere.
I must photograph them asap ;-)
I had completely forgotten about this advert and what he was saying to Petunia too. My daughter works in the Press office and on the website development for the Maritime Coastguard Agency so maybe I could ask her to revive this!!
I got a video from eBay which is all public information films (yes even the scary one Twiggy) So fab to watch them again (apart from the duck and cover one, now that one is scary). We watched one at school about a building site, it had a shoe (well a school pump) filled with blood and we were all :O and I never played on a building site and it was all down to that Public info film (well that and my Mother would have killed me!)
Gosh I had forgotten about those two love birds - "oh look he's waving at us Coo-eee"
When I was little and my borther was littler! we went past a local hotel and Mr Whippy was parked outside and Peter shouted "Ooh thats where Mr Whippy lives". It a family thing now to shout it when we go past there and this is the next generation shouting it now!!Thanks for visiting my blog
Oh I remember this one well Louise.. I can hear Joe's voice even now...
Mr Whippy has to be one of my favourite foods.. can't pass a Mr Whippy van without tugging on my beloved's sleeve..
Michele xx
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