have a break, have a kitkat ...
Well as you can see, very soon I shall be coming up to my 100th birthday, so to celebrate I am taking a shortish blog break, as you can imagine being at such an age, it takes a lot more time to wade through the other necessities in life, ones which should take priority to blogging! I don't want to lose the friendship I have made with you all, so all I can say, in the immortal words of Arnie, I'll be back!
I have set a puzzler for you all, please see post below.
Oh, my favorite candy bar! I hear ya about taking a break. Enjoy your time away and look forward to hearing from you again soon!
We won't forget you Louise.. How could we??
Have a wonderful time and hurry back to tell all...
Much love
I hope that's a plain chocolate Kit Kat which I rather like(a lot!).
Happy birthday, and if you're only 100 then I wonder just how old I am!
Enjoy your break, but please don't stay away too long. xx
Aw, hope you won't be away for very long, well deserved I'm sure though. I'm off to count buttons now!
Lucy x
Enjoy your well deserved break, Louise! Don't worry, we're not going anywhere - we'll be awaiting your return.
Have a lovely blog break. I hope you get your letter from the queen! ;-) Looking forward to your return. I'm going to have a go at guessing how many buttons are in the jar now. Have fun!
I love Kit Kats, but they don't taste the same here ~ the chocolate is different.
Enjoy your break.
Marie x
Happy break, I will be waiting for when you get back.
YOU WILL BE MISSED! So don't forget to come back :-)
Don't stay away too long. I'll keep checking to see when you are back.
Enjoy your break, Louise! ~ Lynda xo
A break! :( I hope you aren't gone too long. We all understand when life takes priority. It doesn't mean I will miss you any less.
If you choose, I have tagged you for you get back. See the Jan 16 blog entry, "I've Been Tagged" for instructions if you want to participate. If not, no biggie. Just a bit of fun.
Enjoy your break from blogging, and know that you will be missed.
Loads of hugs,
Enjoy your well earned break Louise and I look forward to catching up with you when you return to blog-land! :O) Gx
Dear Louise, enjoy your break away , have fun and sing a lot,as for friendship, no worries there, you are to precious to let slip through the friends net, so go and enjoy, we all look forward to your return....hope you take lots of photos for us to see on your return, now I am off to count something, emmm..what was it again, gosh the old brain cells are going faster than ever these days...lol..yes ! butons, my estimate on my first look was 229 and a broken one so that makes 229 and a half..hope it is right, that compact mirror sounds so sweet, I shall have to think of a give away, it is such good fun...
love and hugs,hope you spoil yourself lots, Kath xxx
I am still on my break, but having a break from my break!!!!!he he xx
Enjoy your break...You will be missed!!!
We will enjoy the kit-kat, make sure you enjoy the blogging break. See you soon.
Happy Valentine's day Louise
Carol x
Hi Louise, thank you for the Valentine's wish, hope you had a lovely day too. Glad you're still around, I check your blog regularly to see if you've returned!
Lucy x
Hi Louise! Thanks for your visit to my blog. Hope you had a lovely Valentines Day and have been enjoying your break. Looking forward to return to blogging.
Take care.
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