Christmas 2011 ...
Well that's it for another year .. the cards are down, and just the skeleton of the tree (and lights) remain. Christmas votives (most of them) and decorations have been packed away.
The cards will be recycled (most of them) although the sheep is staying .. as I love it too much!
.. as is this rib-tickling image of Wallace and Gromit, and the cute snow baby designed by Michele at Cowboys & Custard.
Christmas-time was spent with family and friends, and quiet moments to ourselves .. many mince pies were eaten, and glasses of mulled cider drunk .. there were lots of presents to open, crackers to pull, and jokes to tell.
How do snails keep their shells shiny .. they use snail varnish!
Why didn't the skeleton go to the New Year's Eve party .. 'cos he had no body to go with .. boom boom!

.. and as for seeing the New Year in, it was great!
The folk band The Shenanigans and the hog roast were just the ticket for New Year's Eve .. as they say eat, drink and be merry!
I'll chink my glass to wish all my good friends a great blogging year ahead.
I am glad that you had a good Christmas and new year Louise. I hope that 2012 continues to be a good year for you. I love the sheep photo and the snail joke too! x
Glad you had a great time.I got that sheep card too!
Just taken down our decs tonight,and replaced the Christmas cards with some nice 'thankyou' ones.
Hope you have a lovely weekend. :0)
So happy you had a lovely Christmas Louise.
Happy New Year to you and all the best for 2012 xxx
Our tree was beginning to look so sorry for itself, most of it is down now but I dont have the energy to pack it all away!
I wish you a Happy 2012
Wishing you the best year ever for 2012 Louise!
Lou x x x
Lovely to read about your happy Christmas season and jolly sounding New Year's Eve.
The photo of the sheep card brings a smile :) I dismantled Christmas today, and so it looks a lot less 'busy' around here...and a lot less sparkly too! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you Louise..
What a great way to start the new year.. I wish we had gone to something similar.. We were real party poopers this year and went to bed early.. only to be woken at midnight by the firework blitz going on outside.
As you say.. everything packed away now and back in the attic till next year.. other than the pine needles which I will continue to find embedded in the carpet until next Christmas!
Hope you have a great year ahead.
Michele xx
P.s Thank you for mentioning my card.. it was a lovely surprise.
Sounds like your Christmas had all the right ingredients! Love the snail joke!
Glad to hear that NYE was such a success too.
Hope there are more happy times ahead.
Lisa x
Chink chink xxx
Happy New Year Louise! It sounds like your Christmas was filled with special moments. Warmest best wishes for 2012.
Marie x
Before I realized it was already a card...I was going to say your photo of the sheep and make next year's cards from it! What a cute pic......
Think I recognise this card - is it an Oxfam one? Hope 2012 is good for you. x
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