Just this afternoon I put flowers on Mum's plot for her birthday - she loved lilies.
I will have four garments, they shall be clean, my service shall be good, though my diet mean.
Then I shall have excess to give to the poor, and right to counsel beggars at my door.
Thinking of you Louise. x
I am sure she is looking down on you and smiling
Special days to remember our very special people who are forever in our hearts.
Lisa x
Thinking of you Louise xxx
An Irish Prayer....
Death is nothing at all.
It does not count.
I have only slipped away into the next room.
Everything remains as it was.
The old life that we lived so fondly together is untouched, unchanged.
Whatever we were to each other, that we are still.
Call me by the old familiar name.
Speak of me in the easy way which you always used.
Put no sorrow in your tone.
Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes that we enjoyed together.
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me.
Let my name be ever the household word that it always was.
Let it be spoken without effort
Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it ever was.
There is unbroken continuity.
Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?
I am but waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near, just around the corner.
All is well. Nothing is hurt; nothing is lost.
One brief moment and all will be as it was before.
How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting, when we meet again.
Take comfort in your memories Louise as its a link between you and your mum that can never be broken,
Thinking of you
Hi Louise
I have been scrolling back re-reading through your posts until I came to your post for your mother last year and that lovely Beatles song. When my mum died in August someone in blogland sent me a poem in which the last two lines are
'Listen to my footfall in your heart. I am not gone, I merely walk within you' and I think of this every day.
Ruth x
lilies are beautiful,
thinking of you
with love GX
Big hugs to you Louise, as I've said before we always carry our loved ones with us in our happy memories.
Twiggy xx
A beautiful remembrance :)
I just called by to wish you and yours all the very best for Christmas.x
Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas, Louise. Although it is often a difficult time when we are missing loved ones, nevertheless I know they live on in our hearts...and would want us to smile and enjoy life to the fullest. Sending you warm heartfelt wishes :)
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