Just being ME

Please say hello ... I love comments!


my photo

the comfort of strangers ...

There are many definitions for the word stranger, one being 'any person whom one does not know'.
I hope you don't mind me calling you a stranger, but I sort of know you and I sort of don't.

I like the fact I have virtual friends.
Part of the fun is to build up a picture of just how you might look. Skinny, well built, short, tall, young, old ... not once have I ever got it right.
Part of the fun is to discover the personality you have, by the style in which you write and in what you write about ... finding we can be very much alike.

After reading about my postcard collection, and knowing I was feeling a bit down in the dumps, Sarah from The World of Twiggypeasticks e-mailed me these sweet Mabel Lucie Attwell compilations, accompanied by a smile and friendship.

Sarah's thoughtfulness made my day.

A big thank you to those who left kind words on my Mum post. I lost count of how many howls I had during the day, but there were many.
Your thoughtfulness made my day.
These are just a few of the reasons why I won't give up on my blog ... not just yet anyway.


Simone said...

That is a lovely compilation of Mabel Lucy Attwell pictures. How good of Twiggy to think of you. Please don't give up on blogging Louise. The blogging community needs you!!! x

Jane said...

Mabel Lucie Atwell pictures are a perfect reminder of a favourite childhood book. It is always very difficult when anniversaries come around, I'm glad someone was there to cheer you up. Jane x

Twiggy said...

You really do receive what you give away Louise, you are a lovely person, please don't give up your blog as I and many others would miss you.
twiggy x

nikkipolani said...

Those are sweet images, Louise, and so nice to have friends who cheer you. That's a lovely picture of your mum. I'm sorry she's not with you any longer, but you seem to have such wonderful memories of her.

periwinkle said...

I just love that little knitting pic on the 2nd compilation - so cute . I was " this" close to giving up blogging but after a few lovely words from bloggy friends ( yourself included , thank you )and having a little rest have decided to keep going - I know you will too :-) hugs

Pomona said...

I love Mabel Lucie Attwell - I had so many of her books when I was a child. I think recording your feelings and emotions helps - and the lovely responses from Blogland are an affirmation of their importance, too.

Pomona x

Jennie said...

Love the MLA compilation, Sarah is lovely. Sorry to hear about your Mum all my love goes to you and your family xxx