sunshine by Diego Patrian
it's a beautiful day ...
I take the train into work, it is very straightforward and the journey time is only five minutes max. I work in a town so taking the car isn't the easiest of options, with the volume of traffic and parking costs to consider. In my previous job, with ample free parking, I chose to take four wheels, and only took the train when I really, really had too.
Drat and double drat, I now work longer hours. Not that I necessarily have to, but these come part and parcel of my new job, and in this climate you really can't afford to be fussy. One regret is I don't have nearly enough time to do all that I enjoy, not only is my blog suffering, my garden suffering, my home suffering, I am suffering!
A redeeming feature of my new job is I do have a very pleasant walk from my home to the station, and from the station to my place of work. You come to realise when you use your own two feet, what you miss being sat at the wheel. Take this morning, what a beautiful day, the sky was clear blue and the sunshine was warm, and for the first time in days, woolly gloves didn't come as standard!
It is such a delight to witness the sights and sounds of the early birds, robins, blackbirds and bluetits and to get a glimpse of front gardens along the way too. You can discover a good idea or two from someone else's patch, and also be reminded of what possibly not to do on your own. Such a shame, some in a state of neglect, being inhabited by non-green fingers, rented, or by someone who just doesn't have enough hours in the day; and gardens being used as litter bins by inconsiderate passers by, strewn with the likes of Coke tins, takeaway containers and the like.
Even though our car stands on the driveway most days now, I would miss it if it wasn't there; but one thing I don't miss is standing outside frozen to the core, on a cold and frosty winter's morning, scraping ice from the windscreen!
Louise! There you are! How nice that you are close to the station and that it's just a short jaunt. That you've got a job is a blessing indeed.
glad to see you back - happy new year. I've just discovered how much you miss whilst driving, I really do like walking too
lisa x
Oh, I'm so glad to know you are alright! I understand if you can't blog very often - life does go on! - but just pop in once in a while so we know you are alive and well, ok? Thanks! yes, I love walking too, esp. when you are about to be trapped inside for hours at work! I always think of my garden as a little gift to the neighborhood. That gets me going when I'm feeling lazy!
Happy New Year! I'm envious of the sunshine you had - it was thick fog here all day.
Good luck with the new job :-)
Hi Louise, lovely too have you back!!!
Just think how much we could get done if we could stop time!
The light evenings will be with us soon, at least you will be able to enjoy the garden when you get home from work.
Happy New Year… Lou xxx
Oh what a great way to look at things (literally and figeratively)! Thanks for the reminder to stop and smell the roses ;-)
You were missed!
Loise I was so glad to hear from you! I missed you. Best of luck in your new job. Happy New Year!
Happy new year dear Louise! How wonderful to have you back! You were missed.
I was wondering where you'd got to! Happy new year.
Hi there Louise..Happy New Year!
'Let the train take the strain!'
We catch the train quite a lot to the city and love the journey,which is probably one of the nicest in the country.
BTW I love the picture at the top of this post.
Wow - would be so cool to ride a train to work each day!
Nice to have you back! As a non-driver I walk most places. I enjoy taking in my surroundings and looking in peoples front gardens, and seeing what's growing and listening to the birds and patting the local cats on the head!
Happy New Year Louise, was wondering where you were. Must admit I had a beautiful drive this morning taking Twiglet to the next village to nursery, amazing sun shining over the fields through the fog, gorgeous. However, sometimes we take the bus and it's great, we go upstairs and nosey in peoples gardens. I love it, however, when it doesn't turn up, I wish I had my car ;)
Happy New Year louise! Lovely to hear from you! I make a point of walking to and from school with my youngest every day even though we have to conquer to very steep hills along the way. Walking is such a good way to start the day, you miss so much otherwise
Happy New Year Louise!!
Stop by and have a look at my snow if you like.... then enjoy a lovely walk in sunshine with no icicles on your nose...
I love it when the sun is shining even though it is -17C today.... the sun makes it.....
How lovely to see you again!!
I couldn't agree with you more Louise.. I don't envy the stressed out motorists that sit in their traffic queues in town whilst I stroll past and probably beat them to the shops..
I often walk through a local park on my way in to town and there is so much going on despite this frosty weather.. masses of bulbs are coming up...squirrels are bouncing around and the real bonus is getting to say hello to people and stop for a chat!
I do hope that 2009 is a really good year for you Louise.. bringing you happiness and good fortune..
With love
Michele xx
Hi Louise, it wasa great to hear from you. So glad that it's only work that has stopped you blogging.
Happy New Year Year Louise, it was so lovely to see your name there on my blog, I have thought about you often. I went to see Michele this wseek and she did mention that you were busy with work and that she too was going to blog a lot less. Sorry I have not emailed you, but since selling the cottage I have not checked my emails more than once every every week, and there are 100's - I get really annoyed having to go through them... most of which are junk! so I have been avoiding my pc and using my laptop which I cannot access emails on yet! I hate anything too techie!
What happened in Dec?
I will be looking after Jude from March when Katie returns to the hospital as a Midwife again, she is very sad about having to leave him, I will be exhusted!
Even though I am at home there is Never enough hours....
Big hugs,
Carol xxxx
Hello Louise, hope you had a Happy New Year. Sorry to hear you dont get all that you enjoy done.
I love your colourful post.
Hi Louise,
I know the problem with working too many hours and not having enough time to do what I enjoy. Still, a pleasant walk at the start and end of the day can really lift the spirits.
Happy New Year!
Marie x
Hello, and Happy New Year!
I like that art deco train poster.
Round here most front gardens have been concreted over and used to park cars on.
I agree that generally walking is much more pleasurable!
Take care! xx
Hi Louise! So good to catch up with you! (I missed you) Hope the load at work eases a little so you can do more of your best things.
Yes! The contrast between driving and walking is pretty amazing. I want to do more walking and less driving this year too! (I love looking at people's yards - so inspiring!)
Hello Louise
So pleased to see you are back, I wondered what had happened!
Ruth x
It's as if you took us on your beautiful walk...thank-you. I could imagine it all, right down to the coke cans and rubbish tossed away carelessly. (maddening) Is there a small deposit fee on cans like here in the US? Best of luck with the new employment!
Sounds like a lovely walk..and glad you had a glove-free day! Hope the sun continues to shine for you..happy New Year too! :D
I think train travel is one of the best forms of transport - especially when you can sit down & watch the world go by.
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